Hey everyone, now that Newgrounds has accepted my submissions, I'll be working on harder and better projects than the ones I currently are sharing. Right now I have only Loops and short beats, but there will be more.
Also, I will be working on my current beats, and will try and make them into full fledged songs. (Except for Ionized Stardust, personally I think it's already bad ass.)
I'll mainly be submitting techno, but I'm also going to submit some songs I've written on the guitar, and some piano songs. Currently (besides techno) I'm self teaching myself on the Piano and the Guitar. Most of the guitar music will be serenades and love songs, and the piano music I'm trying to make as classical sounding as possible.
I have all summer and the rest of the school work to submit more music, thanks for the support you guys. I can't wait to see you're reviews on my music, good or bad, just legit (not immature, please :D).